May is Maternal Mental Health Month

May is Maternal Mental Health Month, a time to raise awareness of the importance of mental health for mothers. The transition to motherhood is a significant life change, and it can be challenging to adjust to the new responsibilities and demands on your time and energy. This month, we want to highlight the importance of maternal mental health and provide tips and resources to help new mothers prioritise their mental well-being.

The Importance of Maternal Mental Health

Maternal mental health is a critical aspect of overall health for both mums and their children. Studies have shown that poor maternal mental health can lead to negative outcomes for both the mother and child, including reduced breastfeeding rates, increased risk of postpartum depression and anxiety, and impaired infant development.

According to the Maternal Mental Health Alliance, one in five women will experience a mental health problem during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth. Yet, despite the prevalence of these issues, many new mothers feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help. By raising awareness and providing resources, we hope to encourage new mums to prioritize their mental well-being and seek the help they need.

Tips for Supporting Maternal Mental Health

If you’re a new mum, here are some tips to help support your mental well-being:

  1. Prioritise Self-Care: It’s essential to care for yourself as a new parent, both physically and mentally. Make time for activities that make you feel good, whether that’s a bath, a walk, or a night out/natter with friends. Where possible, try to get enough sleep, eat a healthy-ish diet, and exercise regularly.
  2. Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. Contact family and friends for emotional support, and consider joining a support group for new mums. You can also talk to your healthcare provider or a mental health professional if you are struggling with postpartum depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.
  3. Connect with Other Mums: Connecting with other mums can be an excellent way to combat isolation and loneliness. Look for local groups or online communities, like, or at local Childreans Centres, where you can share your experiences and connect with others who understand what you’re going through.
  4. Get Outdoors: Spending time outside has a positive effect on mental health. Take your baby for a walk in the park or even up and down quiet residential roads, and enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Look for classes or free apps that offer guided meditation or yoga practices specifically for new mums.

Resources for Maternal Mental Health Support

If you’re a new mother struggling with postpartum depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, know that you’re not alone. There are many resources available to help you prioritize your mental well-being, including:

  1. PANDAS Foundation: The PANDAS Foundation offers support for families experiencing pre and postnatal depression and anxiety. You can access support via their helpline or join one of their online support groups.
  2. Maternal Mental Health Alliance: The Maternal Mental Health Alliance is a coalition of professional and patient organizations committed to improving maternal mental health outcomes. Their website offers information and resources for new mothers and healthcare providers.
  3. MumsAid is a non-profit organisation providing free and low-cost counselling for women experiencing mental or emotional difficulties during pregnancy or after having a baby. We are committed to removing the barriers that often prevent women from seeking help by challenging the stigma that surrounds postnatal depression (PND) and by raising awareness about the symptoms, impact and treatment. We also provide consultancy, clinical supervision and training to professionals on all aspects of perinatal mental health and support in providing non-stigmatising services.
  4. Samaritans: Samaritans is a mental health charity that offers a confidential helpline for anyone in distress, including new mothers struggling with mental health issues. You can call their helpline 24/7 for emotional support.
  5. NHS: The NHS offers a range of mental health services for new mothers, including perinatal mental health teams and psychological therapies. Talk to your healthcare provider if you’re experiencing mental health issues and need support.

Maternal mental health is a critical aspect of overall health for both mothers and their children. This month, we encourage you to prioritise your mental well-being and seek help if you struggle with postpartum depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues. Raising awareness and providing resources can help support maternal mental health and promote positive outcomes for mums and their children.

Maternal Mental Health Month

Maternal Mental Health Month

Maternal Mental Health Month

Maternal Mental Health Month